Despite stigma and doubt from her high school classmates and teachers, young mom Tessily shares how she reached her dreams of going to college.
Becoming a parent doesn't mean you have to give up on your dreams or even drop out of school. Teen mom Idreyonna shares how she navigates parenting while finishing high school!
The right mentor can make all the difference in the world to a new mom with big dreams.
Even when pregnancy changes your college plans, you can still get your education.
Setting goals for yourself and your family is a great way to plan for the future. Hear what goals teen mom Idreyonna has and when she would like to accomplish them!
Young mom Divine shares her experience being a student parent in high school
Nydia shares how she overcame stigma and completed high school on time.
Denise shares how her educational plans shifted after pregnancy
Isis shares how she finished high school and college after having her son.
It’s never too late to pick up where you left off when it comes to education.
Take a look at resources available to help you finish strong and pave the way to a better future for you and your child.
Maile shares how becoming a parent changed how she valued a college degree.