Most communities have a range of organizations and agencies that offer free or low-cost services, such as affordable healthcare, food assistance, free diapers and formula, parenting classes, job training, and more. A lot of places even have services just for young parents. You just need to know where to look.
YUP! connects young parents to information and resources you might need or find useful. One place to start is our
Resources section, which has links to local and state resources for a variety of needs, including childcare, housing, and legal help. If you create an account with YUP!, you can also reach out on the
YUP! Forums to connect with other young parents who may have resources to share.
Here are some other good places to begin your search:
Health districts and departments: They provide health information, education programs, and trainings on various topics such as breastfeeding, nutrition, CPR and First Aid. They can also help you locate financial assistance programs.
Find your local health department to get started.
Free food for families. Government programs including
SNAP and
WIC offer food for low-income families.
Community health centers. These centers are usually local clinics and hospitals that often offer affordable medical services, dental services, medication, and assistance enrolling in health insurance.
Find a community health center near you.
Community centers. These public centers often offer a range of free services such as support groups, family activities, and cooking and computer classes. They also have spaces that community residents can rent to gather for events. Staff at these centers can direct you to other local resources, if needed.
Libraries. Libraries can connect you and your family to free information through books, videos, and online resources. Most also offer free Internet and computer access and programs that help both children and adults learn to read and use a computer. One great resource at libraries are librarians – they are there to help you find what you need.
Find a library near you.
Job centers. These offer job search assistance and can help you create resumes and cover letters, prepare for job interviews, and train you for specific jobs.
Find a job center near you.
211 is a national number you can call or text to connect with a resource specialist in your community.